Root Canal Therapy
When the nerve of a tooth becomes infected as a result of dental disease or trauma, Dr. Edwards may recommend root canal therapy. During a root canal procedure, a small opening is made in the crown of the tooth so that the infected nerve and tissues can be removed and the roots of the tooth can be disinfected and sealed. Following a root canal procedure, the tooth is restored with a crown to protect it from breakage.
A root canal is usually the recommended procedure to save a tooth that has become infected, rather than removing it. By having root canal treatment, the tooth can continue to support its role to the body by remaining in position to support the jaw bone structures, bite balance and proper chewing. If the tooth were removed, this functionality would typically have to be replaced with a “false” tooth via a dental bridge or implant, which are more costly procedures.
In some cases, Dr. Edwards may recommend that a root canal specialist, or endodontist, perform the root canal procedure. We then work closely with the endodontist to coordinate placement of a dental crown following root canal treatment.
Don’t wait until it hurts! We have all heard scary stories and seen movies that dramatize root canal procedures. If you have a tooth that has obvious damage and you believe you need a root canal, it is important to be seen sooner rather than later before the tooth becomes infected and painful.
Read more about Root Canals at the Academy of General Dentistry Education site, – What is a Root Canal?